Shoesmith School's Mission Statement
We believe that every student in our school is capable of learning and thinking at high levels. We will meet the academic and social/emotional needs of all of our students including students with disabilities, English language learners, high achievers, and struggling learners. We will challenge each student by providing a safe and nurturing learning environment that encourages self- expression and creativity, and by setting high expectations, utilizing rigorous, research-based instructional materials and implementing differentiated instructional practice.
School Goals
- We will use PBIS and CHAMPS school-wide to build strong and consistent classroom and school community where students feel supported, then students will have less distraction from instruction and spend more time on task; the number of discipline referrals will decrease, and the number of students in Tier 3 will decrease.
- If we set and clearly define high expectations for student learning, then students will take ownership of their role in their learning.
- If we explicitly instruct students in all content areas using a systematic method of delivery (demonstration, shared demonstration, guided practice, independent practice), then students will actively participate, take responsibility and have positive attitudes about their learning.
- In order to improve communication between school and home, we will require a communication folder for each child containing all important school information. Parents will be responsible (on a daily basis) for reviewing the contents and signing to confirm receipt and review of its contents.