School Rules and Expectations
Here at Shoesmith, we have adopted two programs school-wide that ensure a safe and positive learning environment for all students in all areas of our school. Below you will find information about these two programs and the student expectations that are enforced through each program.
PBS (Positive Behavioral Support)
Our PBIS program is designed to explicitly hold students to certain expectations in common areas around our school. These areas include; hallways, stairwells, restrooms, lunchroom, recess, and assemblies. We follow the '3 Bees' at Shoesmith: Bee Responsible, Bee Respectful, Bee Safe. Students understand and regularly practice what it looks like and sounds like to follow the '3 Bees' in our common areas. Expectations are visibly posted in all common areas to remind students of the expected expectations. With our PBIS program, students receive positive reinforcements for exhibiting the desired behavior. Individually, students receive Bee Bucks that can be spent weekly at our Bee Buck Store. Also, collectively as a class, students try to reach a Bee Buck goal to earn monthly incentives such as a game party, extra recess time, hat day, etc.. This is our third year of implementation of our PBIS program with fidelity. Since establishing this program, we as a staff have seen students take more ownership for their behavior and hold fellow peers to the same standards to help create a positive learning environment.
CHAMPS (Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation, Success!)
Our CHAMPS management program helps explicitly layout student expectations for each learning activity that students participate in throughout their day in the classroom. CHAMPS looks different in every classroom to help meet the needs of all students, however their are common expectations and language that students understand as they move from classroom to classroom. The overall goal for our CHAMPS classroom management system is to develop an instructional structure in which students are responsible, motivated, and highly engaged in the specific task at hand. More particularly, the teacher's goal is to explicitly teach students how to be successful during each learning activity inside their classroom. Below you will learn a little bit more about the CHAMPS system and our adapted TEAM system for our K-2 classrooms:
Grades 3-6
C: Conversation-Can students converse during this activity? At what voice level?
H: Help-How do students ask for help during this activity?
A: Activity-What is the expected end product of this activity?
M: Movement- During this activity, do students needs to move about the room, if so what does that look like?
P: Participation-What behavior shows that students are participating or not participating?
S: Success!-When CHAMPS expectations are met, students will be successful!
Grades K-2 (CHAMPS system adapted for younger grades)
T: Talk- At what voice level are students talking during this activity?
E: Effort- During the activity, what behaviors show best effort expectations?
A: Ask- How do students ask for help during this activity?
M: Move- During this activity, do students needs to move about the room, if so what does that look like?
Grades 3-6
C: Conversation-Can students converse during this activity? At what voice level?
H: Help-How do students ask for help during this activity?
A: Activity-What is the expected end product of this activity?
M: Movement- During this activity, do students needs to move about the room, if so what does that look like?
P: Participation-What behavior shows that students are participating or not participating?
S: Success!-When CHAMPS expectations are met, students will be successful!
Grades K-2 (CHAMPS system adapted for younger grades)
T: Talk- At what voice level are students talking during this activity?
E: Effort- During the activity, what behaviors show best effort expectations?
A: Ask- How do students ask for help during this activity?
M: Move- During this activity, do students needs to move about the room, if so what does that look like?